Sunday, September 6, 2015

Migrate SVN repository to Mercurial repository

  1. Install hgsubversion:
    1. hg clone  ~\hgsubversion
    2. Add below lines to %USERPROFILE%\Mecurial.INI

      hgsubversion = ~/hgsubversion/hgsubversion

    3. user hg help hgsubversion to confirm above installation
  2. Clone SVN repository:
    1. hg clone https://hostname/svn/repositoryname, if it requires authentication, use below command instead:
      hg clone svn+https://hostname/svn/repositoryname to type in the username and password at the prompt, or
      use “—config” to specify the username and password like hg clone –config hgsubversion.username=username
      --config hgsubversion.password svn+https://hostname/svn/repositoryname
  3. Upload the repository:
    hg push <remote repository url>



Thursday, March 19, 2015

Bamboo on Demand–Failed to download artifact in the job

I was new to Bamboo on Demand and I added an Artifact Download Task into the default job trying to download an artifact built from another plan.

It looked nothing could be wrong as all the information were filled by choosing the value from the drop down boxes except that destination path.

But the truth was that the job failed due to failed to download the artifact. I checked the artifact, it was there, I checked the destination path,

no typo, same path used for its own artifacts which were built before I added the download task.


Comparing to other plans on the same Bamboo on Demand server, I found that the plan whose artifact was referenced to be download had

a small different setting from other plans. The difference was that the plan had not specified a folder for checking out the source code, i.e.,

in the Source Code Check out task, Checkout Directory is blank. By put in an folder name to this box and use the same folder as the start

folder in the Location box for Artifact setting, the problem solved!